Saturday, December 8, 2007

"We're not in Kansas anymore Toto! Welcome to the Land Of OZ!"

this is Emu Downs Wind Farm outside Leeman, WA

Ebony and Me. She works with me at Crazzle's Cove

Ben and Me. I'm his biggest fan! =)
Journal entry from November 27, 2007 THE JOURNEY BEGINS...

"I have "Free Fallin'" playing in my ear and I am FREE! Free from Los Angeles, free from the pangs of everyday reality, free from my old life! Free to experience my new life. The life of the unknown. "How does it feel to be a complete unknown? Like a rolling stone." - Bob Dylan

"A blank page to fill, lots of blank pages to fill! Soak it in like a sponge Sara. Let your heart lead the way. Be the best person you can. Be a light that leads other's and don't forget to wipe your ass after you take a shit." (metaphor for life)

Well, this will be the second time I've typed this since I erased EVERYTHING I JUST FRIGGIN' TYPED UUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! The first version was a rippa' but, this one will be a little more tame. Sorry about that. I've been on this computer now for about 6hours trying to figure out how to get my pictures off of my camera and on to it's desktop... then transfer them over to Kodak Gallery and so and so forth... Finally I get it all ready to upload onto here... and I fudge it up. Oh well! Just another day in paradise!

Speaking of paradise, you want to see it? Come here to Leeman, Australia! Sit back, relax and enjoy the life of a sea side town. Steven and I are staying with his parents here at the Leeman Caravan Park. If you are travelling the country with a caravan, this is the place to stop and rest! It's amazing. Just about a 2 min. walk from the ocean and big ol' trees everywhere. Just down the road you'll find the bowling club. Not 10pin bowling... this is lawn bowls I'm talking about here. It's a huge thing here in OZ. Competitions all year round. Mum and Pop Cliff are both on leagues. Pop is the president of Leeman's club. So, if you want a roll, just let me know I could probably get ya in!

Go just a bit further down the road and you'll find Crazzle's Cove. That's my place of work! There you'll find me in the kitchen cooking up some fine steak burgers with the lot and the most amazing cray roll you can find on the West Coast! Straight off the boat these crayfish come! It's great being behind it all this time around. I'm still helping the people out but, dining is a bit of a different experience here. You go up to the front and order your food, pay for it, and then sit down and wait for it. Usually there aren't any servers but, if you go into the cities you'll find some restaurants that are sit down service. DON'T TIP! There is no tipping here either! That's just the way it is... so friends of mine who are servers back in the US don't get pissed when an Aussie doesn't tip you. They just don't know. Oh and the deep fryer!!! Holy shit does that thing get a work out. Just about everything is fried here. I have no idea how everyone stays soooooo fit! You grease lovers should really get on a plane right now and head over here for a treat! Your taste buds will go crazy!

Steven has been working sooo hard on a boat. No rest for the weary. He gets no weekends off... Up at 4.30am and home by 5pm. When you folks at home in the US go buy your Australian Lobster Tail, well you just might be buying one caught by Steven~!

I apologize for not getting anything up sooner. It's been crazy getting used to the time change and work and all but, I promise, promise, promise I will update you more regularly!

I'm off to the Jurien Market tomorrow, so I should have some pics for you from that as well! Please respond as often as you'd like and pass the blog page onto your friends. Anyone you think who might be interested in following us around the world!

I have been filming a lot for future webisodes as well. I will keep you posted on that too~! It will be a little while but, when it's ready, it'll be good fun to watch!

I miss you all and trust you are all getting ready for the Holiday Season! All the best to you and many hugs and love to you all!

With open arms, Sara


Ellegirl said...

Thanks so much for this. This blog is so uplifting and fresh to read. It is nice to see others that are living life to the fullest and reaching out to others. I wish I could travel but I guess we all reach others in our own way, mine is teaching children and raising money through my website, others go out there! I have added this blog to my faves, you are truly an inspiration!~Elle (Heather)

Unknown said...

Hey Sara - best wishes and luck on your roving singing experience from Metalmike ~ all the way from the UK!

Asa said...

Hi dearest Sara,

I wish you and Steven all the best.I think that this is a wonderful thing which you are doing and this is the kind of thing you should do before you get too old and tied up with other obligations.

Hoping to see you in our part of the world some time.

All my love and affection

JackieB said...

Hi Sara! Jackie B here. Sounds like quite an experience already! So, keep us posted w/pix and we'll be happy. Take care & huge hugs,-J

JimboDaws said...

Hey Sweetheart, glad your enjoying the world! hope to see you soon, take care safe travels... Love always Jamiexxx

D'Ann said...

Hey Sara- Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying yourself even while working. Doesn't sound like you will need your winter clothes for awhile. Here, in Southern California, we have snow in our local mountains (so beautiful). We had a much need storm this past weekend. Yesterday and today it got into the mid 60's and looks like that will be our temp. through the weekend, albeit 30's and 40's at night. Well, it's almost Winter here, as So. California winters go. Miss ya!

maria said...

Oh Sara. I'm so happy you are getting to experience complete freedom..there are not many people who are blessed to have that chance. Your blog is bringing back my own fond memories of my year of exploration. I am envious of you, i am joyful for you and i am with you in spirit. And every day will be a 'big' day even if you're just sitting still and being. love and hugs, maria