Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello All!

Just wanted to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! I trust you are all well and have filled up on enough of the gobble gobble bird for a while now. My dad got home tonight and had room to fit a ham sandwich in his belly. UGH! It's tradition though. Dad will get into the leftover ham and put a slab of butter on his bread and pile the ham up high! Mom, on the other hand will dig into the leftover pie! They are made for each other!

I am so grateful to have each one of YOU in my life! What an incredible life it has been thus far! So many memories and so many more experiences to come! May you live each day to it's fullest. Dance like no one is watching and see everything with eyes wide open!

All the best to you and your families. Cuddle up and stay warm it's even cold here in Los Angeles!

With open arms,

My Dad and Me

My Mom and Me

Thanksgiving table

Taylor and Me

Taylor, Dasi and Me


Bob said...

Miss you - looks like you had a great Thanksgiving - would love to see you before you leave - any chance?

Bob & Chelle

soupma said...

People are wondering what you've been up to! Could you give them a little blog action just to let them know you're still alive and cookin' chucks?? :)) Love you much my sweet Bird!! Mom

D'Ann said...

Hey, thanks Kate for the little nudge for Sara to get back to her blog! I was wondering what was keeping her (could it be Steven?). Hope all is well, want to hear/see what's going on.