Thursday, December 13, 2007

Even Dorothy has to work in OZ!

The bins where the loads of frozen food are kept

Only a portion of the food I have to drop in the fryer!

"The Bench" that's where it all happens folks! That's where I make a mean steak burger or the most amazing fish and chips!!!

After the goodies have been swimming in their hot bath, this is where they go. Ready to be eatin up by you... come on in! I'm waiting for you behind the bench!
Hiya Everyone!

I trust you are all doing well during this Holiday Season. It's coming down to the wire now! I know you are all scrambling to get things done and presents bought. It's a weird feeling being here for Christmas. It's very different. "How, Sara?" well, we are focusing on the fact that most of Steven's family will be together. It's been 4 years since Steve has been with his family on the holiday's and they are just ecstatic! We aren't worried about what presents to get or what to do... The mere presence of all of us will be enough. I am cooking a turkey and Mum is figuring out what else we are going to have. It's going to be hot outside, so I'm sure the beer fridge will be full to the brim! No egg nog here folks... It's all about the light brown liquid we drink, dreading to "break the seal" later!

Work is going smoothly. Everyone is very helpful over at Crazzel's! Rosemary and Trevor (the owner's) are becoming staples in my everyday lifestyle here. Even if I'm not working I like to go down and chat, have a ciggie and then I'm off again... to the great unknown!

Went down to Jurien Bay the other day. It's about a half hour drive. They were having a small farmer's market. Not quite as elaborate as the one's back in LA but, I got some grapefruit marmalade, pickled califlower and my favourites...lemingtons! They are a sponge cake which has been dipped in a light chocolate sauce which soaks up into the cake. Then they are rolled in coconut... HOLY CRAP! You HAVE to have one!

Yesterday I took of back to Jurien on my own... yes! I was driving a stick, on the other side of the road, by myself! I think it's actually easier on this side of the car. You have to experience it to understand what I mean. The stick and the clutch are being used by the same side... it just seems to work better with me! ANYWAY, went back to do some grocery shopping. Had to buy a few things.. yeah right it's never a few things with me. I came back with about 20bags filled with baking supplies. I will be invading Mum's kitchen tomorrow to bake up some tea rings. They are a Christmas tradition my mom has been doing for years now. They are cinnamon rolls in the shape of a wreath. My mom bakes and bakes for days and then wraps them up and gives them away. So, now I've been doing the same thing for a couple of years... Now Leeman, Australia will know our little tradition. I don't think they'll be too upset about it!

TODAY!!! well, today Pop and I went out on his boat and dropped some cray pots in the ocean! YEAH!! My first time on a fishing boat on the ocean! I don't know how Jesus and crew did it but, they must have had some magic up their sleeves! It was beautiful and calm when we went out at 7:30am but, when we headed back about a half out later, the wind had picked up and it was really choppy. Of course I loved every minute of it. Pop and I on the ocean. Ahh! Then we headed up to Dongora which is about an hour north up the coast. Mum and Pop just bought a house up there and are planning on moving in the next 12 months. I don't know how they can wait that long. When we pulled into the drive, I fell in love! It's an amazing house with two paddacks on either side where they will have some sheep. Big tall trees and a verranda which goes all the way around the house. It's just beautiful and close to the city.

Anyway, had a big day today... actually my intentions are to have big days everyday. It was brilliant to hang out with Ian (Pop/my father-in-law) It's like I've been a part of this family for years! I so adore them to the stars and beyond!

Tomorrow we will go get the cray pots and see if we caught any! If we did, there will for sure be crayfish on the menu for evening tea! YUMMY!!! I'll be baking all day, and get to some postcards that have been sitting on the table for days now. ugh!

All the best to you during this rush around, crunch time of year! Remember it's about the presence of people you love, not the presents from people you love.

With open arms!


D'Ann said...

It sure doesn't sound like you have much time to be homesick. You sound like a very busy girl. It also sounds like this Christmas will be a memory-maker with so much extended family and friends. Will our friend "Jack" make a visit, or just beer (hehe)? So glad you posted so soon. Keep up the good work.

D'Ann said...

Hey Sara- So how did Christmas in Summer time go for you?! I hope you are wearing your SPF30. Miss ya!