Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tangiers Gig

I played last night at Tangiers. Another show with amazing friends by my side. I can't express enough how in love I am with all of you. It's an incredible feeling to have you all there. I have two shows left before my journey out into the world and I trust I will get a chance to see you all! The picture below is of my friend Zach. Otherwise known as Zee Jay... if you like music, check out his blog page. It's on my links list.

I want to pass along a tip.... GO SEE "INTO THE WILD" this movie directed by Sean Penn is a life changer. It's based on the true story of Christopher Johnson McCandless. A book was written by Jon Krakauer in 1995. Mr. Penn got his hands on it and knew he wanted to make a movie about Christopher's journey. I am about to embark on the trip of a lifetime... a trip where I can find myself again... a trip that will change my life. Christopher ( Alexander Supertramp ) takes off after college on his own journey, his own life changing experience and along the way he connected with strangers, nature and with himself. This is my gift to you. I am passing along the word of this film/book. "Into the Wild" is a tour de force. It's mesmerizing and heartbreaking. It will change your life.

With open arms,

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cat Club Gig

Here are some pictures from the other night.

1. YOU GUYS!!! Yeah for coming to the show! It was a great night. Look out! You might be in another pic at another show.
Then end up here on my blog page for all to see... YEAH!

2. Cutest Ellie. My little pumpkin head.

3. The boys (Keith and Dimitri) and Me

4. Dimitri and Me ( girls he's single ) tee hee!

5. Keith and Me...

I can't wait to see you all at the next show on Monday at Tangiers in Los Feliz! xo Sara

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hello Everyone!

Just a note to let you know I have only FOUR shows left in LA.

The Cat Club
Sunset Blvd/San Vicente
21 & UP
Full Band

Monday, Sept. 24th
Los Feliz/Hillhurst
18 &Over
(This is a night of rockin' guitar playin' girls. Gonna be HOT HOT HOT)

Thursday, Oct 4th
The Derby
Los Feliz/Hillhurst (across the street from Tangiers)
21 & UP
Acoustic Show

Tuesday, Oct. 16th
21 & UP
Full band but, stripped down. Keith's gonna be on hand drums and it's going to be very intimate. It's a full hour set.

For those of you that don't know, my husband and I are leaving the country to go travel the world. I will be playing shows in Australia and England. So, keep posted for the details. I will be in Australia Dec - March and England the end of 2008.

These past four years have been amazing and the people, musicians, bar tenders, fans, friends and random music lovers I've met along the way have all influenced my music. I am going to miss you all so very, very much but, I will be back. Back with vigor and ready to play new music for you my closest, loved friends.

Please, if you can, join me at one or all of the last four shows. The Tangiers show I will be playing all of my old, old songs I played when I first moved here. The music that brought me to the place I am now. The musician I am now. The person I am now.

Thank you for your continued support throughout the years! I love you all!
Another note : I will be closing my website www.sararouth.com in the next couple of months. I will however keep my myspace page, my email and my new blog page www.intosarasworld.blogspot.com

Let me know how you are all doing! I look forward to seeing you all soon!

With open arms,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Australian Rules Football in So Cal

The cute guy with the dreads... Mr. Steven Cliff is my husband! Go to this site to see him in action! No. 15! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
xo Sara


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Yosemite...A MUST SEE!

Here are some pictures from our amazing trip to Yosemite National Park over the Labour Day holiday. My brother and his fiance gifted this trip to me as a birthday present. The four of us headed up north monday morning. After a quick five hour drive we started to wind around in the Sierras. I (of course) started to get car sick so my back seat was taken by Courtney as I moved to the front to contain some composure...ugh!

FINALLY!!!!!! after the 1,254th curve we pulled into Curry Village. There we unpacked our luggage and game boards and started off to our cabin. What a cute little house! The fire place was as big as one of the walls and the fold out couch was a grade A bed. We dropped off our bags and headed out to the village for a beer. After a terrible bean and cheese burrito (note: if the talented burrito makers from the south of the boarder aren't making these... I wouldn't get one) and a beer we all headed back to our home for the night. S'mores were in order so out the matches came and up roared the fire, on a 80degree night, inside the cabin, where the windows were all open, causing our clothes to all smell like smoke. BUT, it was totally worth it! It's been ages since we all had them and we savored every bite! Thanks Court! After a couple more beers and lots of laughs it was time to say, "good night."

The next morning we woke up to the birds chirpping and a crisp coat of fresh air. A light breakfast and then we were off. Off to the waterfall! We hiked up and up and up and down and then up and up and up and sideways and then down and then up and up and up and up. Shit forget the stair master... Just go to Vernal Falls! WE MADE IT! Just gorgeous! Everything was just perfect. We stopped and ate our packed lunches and rested for a bit, then down, down, down we went. This time off to the Ahwanee Hotel. Oh what and experience that was!

To the Hotel we jaunted. It was just down the road from our cutest little cabin. We checked in and then went for a drink and a quick little pick-me-up bite. This old Hotel is filled with memories dating back to the 20's. It's insides are filled with enormous wood pillars and hard wood floors. The dining room is something of a specialty. We were to eat there for dinner but, weren't informed of the dress code until too late. I know that the majority of people going to Yosemite aren't going to be packing a collared shirt and some damn slacks... Anyway, off to another place for dinner. It was yummy and we came home with big smiles on our faces. Constantly on the look out for bears we stayed up a bit more and had a nite-cap outside. Then with a stretch and a yawn we went to bed.

NEXT MORNING! I woke up first (as usual) and went down to the dining room for breakfast. (no dress code for breaky) So, there I am waiting for my three other comrades to awake and join me. I am drinking a coffee and sipping some very tart fresh grapfruit juice. My waiter keeps giving me the evil eye. Now, I know I'm holding his table but, Judas Priest there is only five other tables there and the place is huge... point is, there was no wait and the guy didn't need to be so pushy with his looks... Anyway, an hour goes by and then the rest of my family joins me. After a while we order, get pissed about the service in the poncy, stuck-up, overpriced place, complain, then laugh about it, then eat and get an apology from the EYES waiter, leave him a hefty over-priced tip and leave.

Off to the bikes. Each of us hopped on our beautiful, rented, red beach cruisers and rode around the park. It was awesome! It's been ages since I've been on a bike. After our trip around we decided to take a trip to the top of the park, Glacier Point. There we could see everything. It was like being on the top of the world.

Then, well then it was time for us to leave. We stopped briefly to see some Redwoods and then piled into the car one last time. I started out in the front seat this time. Prepared for the 1,254 curves I was good to go and off we wheeled. The four of us. Driving down the road remembering the laughs and forgetting about the bad service. Remembering the beauty and forgetting about smoky flavoured clothes. Remembering all the stories we told, forgetting about the one's we didn't.

Yosemite....A MUST SEE!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Holy Hell it's Hot!

Happy Labour Day Y'all! What a fantastic day today! Went to work like I always do on a sunday... mixed my cleanse gunk together and chugged it, made myself an egg white omelette, served a couple of cops and then in walks Kenneth (Janet Jackson's manager) Kenneth and I have become pretty good buddies over the past couple of years. I bug him with music business questions and he tells me about how he beat my brother in basketball... during his breakfast I felt a sudden urge to tell him that my good friend/co-worker is a HUGE Janet fan. Now, my friend was at work at the time and had no idea I was telling Kenneth this info. Kenneth responded by saying, "why didn't he tell me before?" " well he doesn't really like to meddle in other people's business" I responded.

I walked away and Kenneth introduced himself to my friend and they spoke about Janet and how many shows he had been to and how much he LOVED her... Kenneth interrupted the conversation to take a phone call and excused himself from the restaurant. Kenneth comes back in still on the phone and then looks at my friend... hands him the phone and HOLY SHIT WHO'S ON THE OTHER END? JANET!!! So, my friend Zach gets to talk to his idol for about ten minutes. What a random, amazing morning! Imagine going to your job in the morning, making a coffee, thinking about anything other than work and then the next minute you are talking to your idol on the phone...

Who would you want to talk to? What would you talk about in ten minutes?

Ok, so second part of my day... I am sitting at a red light awaiting my turn to go, and I take the time to soak up the sites! My sights are on an old man wiping the sweat off his brow. I felt my heart skip a beat for all the elderly and homeless who have passed away these past few days because of the uncommon, sweltering heat here. He stopped his slow steps and patted his brow again. I watched him like a hawk hunting his prey. His right hand disappeared into his pocket and out it popped with a packet of gum. Off the little ribbon from the top came... and then it was tossed to the side. Off the top of the gum packet came and it was tossed to the side. Off the gum wrapper came, then it was tossed to the side. While his self made confetti was hitting the sidewalk a family of five jaunted by him. The old man I was feeling pain for a second ago, covered his paper party favour with his feet while they walked by. He obviously knew littering was bad but, did it anyway. After they walked passed, he continued to chew his yummy Juicy Fruit, dab his brow again and walk away leaving a little part of him behind. It's amazing what you can see when you sit at a red light and take in the sites!

I trust you are all well and have paid your Sept. rent! xo sara