Sunday, September 2, 2007

Holy Hell it's Hot!

Happy Labour Day Y'all! What a fantastic day today! Went to work like I always do on a sunday... mixed my cleanse gunk together and chugged it, made myself an egg white omelette, served a couple of cops and then in walks Kenneth (Janet Jackson's manager) Kenneth and I have become pretty good buddies over the past couple of years. I bug him with music business questions and he tells me about how he beat my brother in basketball... during his breakfast I felt a sudden urge to tell him that my good friend/co-worker is a HUGE Janet fan. Now, my friend was at work at the time and had no idea I was telling Kenneth this info. Kenneth responded by saying, "why didn't he tell me before?" " well he doesn't really like to meddle in other people's business" I responded.

I walked away and Kenneth introduced himself to my friend and they spoke about Janet and how many shows he had been to and how much he LOVED her... Kenneth interrupted the conversation to take a phone call and excused himself from the restaurant. Kenneth comes back in still on the phone and then looks at my friend... hands him the phone and HOLY SHIT WHO'S ON THE OTHER END? JANET!!! So, my friend Zach gets to talk to his idol for about ten minutes. What a random, amazing morning! Imagine going to your job in the morning, making a coffee, thinking about anything other than work and then the next minute you are talking to your idol on the phone...

Who would you want to talk to? What would you talk about in ten minutes?

Ok, so second part of my day... I am sitting at a red light awaiting my turn to go, and I take the time to soak up the sites! My sights are on an old man wiping the sweat off his brow. I felt my heart skip a beat for all the elderly and homeless who have passed away these past few days because of the uncommon, sweltering heat here. He stopped his slow steps and patted his brow again. I watched him like a hawk hunting his prey. His right hand disappeared into his pocket and out it popped with a packet of gum. Off the little ribbon from the top came... and then it was tossed to the side. Off the top of the gum packet came and it was tossed to the side. Off the gum wrapper came, then it was tossed to the side. While his self made confetti was hitting the sidewalk a family of five jaunted by him. The old man I was feeling pain for a second ago, covered his paper party favour with his feet while they walked by. He obviously knew littering was bad but, did it anyway. After they walked passed, he continued to chew his yummy Juicy Fruit, dab his brow again and walk away leaving a little part of him behind. It's amazing what you can see when you sit at a red light and take in the sites!

I trust you are all well and have paid your Sept. rent! xo sara


ZeeJay said...

i love you forever for that. but you know this.

ShelbyLynn Marie said...

Oh my gosh, so he's a lucky bugger now isn't he...? I wouldn't mind talking to your brother, or David Bowie...If I were to talk to Brandon I'd ask about the Superman sequel and for curiosity's sake how the plans for his wedding are going *He and Courtney make such a cute couple!* If I could talk to David Bowie, I'd definitely talk about music with him! It's my passion and I know he loves it too *duh*!

D'Ann said...

Sara, you posed a question--who would you want to talk to and what would you talk about? The first part of the question is simple; it would be my mother. Unfortunatly, she passed away when I was in my mid 20's, so this would not be possible, but if only it were possible... It is a fantsy of mine. The second part of the question is the hard part. I had so unanswered questions after she died. But now, I think, I would like to have "a visit" and tell her I love her. Since I know this couldn't happen, I then would like to have a talk with... Viggo Mortensen! Besides being a wonderful actor (it seems he immerses himself in every role), he is an accomplished poet, photographer, painter, and horseman. What would I talk about...? Horses I guess :)

Danny said...

That is so cool of Kenneth to hook your friend up with Janet. It seems the bigger the star the cooler they are. I think I told you that my parents owned a grocery store in Taluca Lake near all the Studios, and we had many celebrities shop in our store--well, the big stars were always the nicest and always willing to stop and talk--while some of the ones on the way up, seemed to be a bit snobby. Also, my roommate is a stage manager for some major Theater productions and I have been lucky enough to attend some of the opening/closing night parties and have met some pretty big celebrities, and again--most of them have been very nice. I also love boxing and the UFC and have a buddy that helps the fighters get financial backing so he has invited me to the weigh in's and the after fight parties, and I have met the biggest names in the sport--and they are some of the coolest guys you'd ever meet.

Of course, I would like to talk with your Bro sometime--He has always been cool when I've seen him at your shows and I really do admire him and his work. Would also like to talk with Brad Pitt and Angelina--I think that they are doing some great things to help change this world for the better, and using their money, power and fame to bring attention to some of the problems facing the planet today. I would also like to talk with the Singer/Songwriter "Pink" the lyric's to some of her songs are so powerful, so thought pervoking particularly the song "Dear Mr. President" I think she has great deep passion in her songs. There are many others but I don't want to ramble on and on any more than I already have!