Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dirty Thirty!

So the day came and went! Sunday the 26th got together with of my closest friends here in LA. We met at Pat's Topanga Grill in Topanga Canyon at the butt crack of dawn...Ate a wonderful breakfast and then went off to the beach. A cloudy morning turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon.

Here I am a year older and a year wiser. Thirty isn't a scary number for me. It's an exciting one! I'm so ready to see what the next thirty years has to offer!

Much love to you all,


D'Ann said...

I hope you wore your sun-screen!! Yes, I know I'm a nag :) Glad to hear you had a wonderful time.

Danny said...

So glad you had a great 30th Birthday--if you're ever down in Orange County you should check out Laguna Beach--it's where I hang out and it's just beautiful. It's known for all it's art galleries and the atmosphere is so laid back and serene. Would be an awesome place for you to perform outdoors. Love the pic--you don't look a day over 29 years 363 days! :-)