Friday, April 25, 2008

Long, long, long time no talk....

Hello from Shanghai China!

Well, I have sooo much to tell you all about my time in India, Nepal and now China. I am going to write it down in pieces. Basically a day by day account of our whereabouts. I apologize greatly for not getting to you all sooner but, as you probably already know, there weren't many chances to get to a computer and when we did, we didn't have much time to stay in front of them. So, the main things were to email family members letting them know we had made it to the next destination. Anyway, here I go. Come with me on my last 6 weeks of fantastic moments...

First. India. Kolkata.


D'Ann said...

Hello There Young Lady-

So glad to hear that the traveling is going well. Missed your blogging, I must say!


D'Ann said...


I just got thinking... Have you gotten to sing "Fortune Cookie" in China yet? Do they even have fortune cookies in China, or is that an American custom?