Sunday, January 13, 2008

Welcoming in 2008!

The first crayfish I could keep! Yummo!

Steven with a big Groper he caught while out working.

Eating an Aussie Meat Pie after a night on the town!

With our little herring we caught off the jetty. They were great for breakfast!

Ahhhhh. Christmas on the beach!
Hello Everyone!

Well, it's been exactly a month since I updated and I am terribly sorry it's taken this long to tell you what's been going on in this neck of the woods. Outside the sun is shining and the wind is blowing very strongly from the south. The bloody "Southerly" is what they call it! No use going down to the beach when it's like this because you'll for sure get a mouth full of salt water when least expecting it!

In the past month I have:
~Had my first experience with an Australian Jelly foot got the brunt of it's stingers! ugh!
~Gone to the Doctor for too many mosquito bites...
~Been to a little reef to go snorkeling...I was scared shitless but, once I got in, it's just magical! I almost meditated to the sound of my breath going in and out, in and out while huge angel fish swam around me.
~Went kayaking on the ocean at 8am. If that doesn't wake you up, nothing will!
~Had a family of blow fish follow me while swimming.
~Cooked breakfast at work for a party of 12 people. I was on my own, not a big deal but, I was impressed with my quick line cook abilities!
~Been to Perth for the beautiful wedding of our dear friends Bayne and Libby
~Took the Greyhound to Perth to visit our friends Boondy and Erin.
~Rocked out the New Year in true Aussie style (drunk and cheery!)
~Ran over our first Kangaroo. Steven was driving and he really didn't mean to hit it. There were two. The first one hopped across just fine but, the second big guy didn't quite make it across. He basically ambushed the car and we just couldn't slow down. This was quite hard for me to deal with but, it's the way of life around here. In the States we have squirrels and rabbits and racoons... here well, it's big old kangaroos. Just so you know it's a regular thing. About a million a year get hit. ANYWAY, when you come visit make sure you are wide awake when driving or you'll never see them. Well, you should really be wide awake when driving anyway!
~Had four births here at the Caravan Park (four birds)Pop has a big bird cage out the front and there are four new babies that finally came out of the nest!
~Steven killed a black wasp the size of your hand. Ok a bit of a tall tale..but, you get the idea.
~I've seen an ant the size of your thumb. It would hurt a lot if it got ahold of your toe!
~Been fishing off the jetty and caught a skippy, herring and another little tiny fish with a HUGE mouth... it's called a gobble something?
~Caught my first crayfish that was the right size... So, in the pot he went and then in my tummy he went!
~scortched my bum in the sun... ouch!
~Gave our friend Glen a mowhawk! While's awesome! Tiffany, Marilee, Gabriel, Dasi...look out! I'll be after your jobs!
~Had a champion spew at the closest petrol station on the day of the Perth Cup while 10nicely dressed women waited outside... I felt like I looked like Britney Spears when I walked out, (sunnies on, watering eyes, puffy face) ugh!
~Visited some friends of ours in Perth. They are renting the cutest little shack up in the hills. It's just beautiful up there. The kangaroos come into the backyard every afternoon.
~Bought the perfect little black dress FOR FREE!!! Had a gift certificate and it was on sale... can't beat that!
~Watched the sun set on the beach (our back yard) with a beer in hand, Mum and Pop and Mack at my side! Seriously you can hear it hit the water! =)

Anyway, that's about it thus far. Looking forward to each day to see what happens. There are so many things that effect me. Little things, to the plants I re-potted which are coming to life again on the veranda. To the big things, like spotting an emu in the distance, standing amidst a herd of sheep. This land is just amazing and if you open your eyes, REALLY open your eyes, it's amazing what it will do for your soul.

For those of you that have tried to reach me via my cell... well, it's not working here. I would for sure get back to you if I knew that you called. There is just no reception here for our T-Mobile fancy phones. It's a funny thing really. We spend all this money for a fancy technologically advanced "things" and when you're living, really living, those things don't matter. It's actually been very nice not to worry about my texting fingers getting tired! Now it's my writing fingers that get tired!

My music, well I've got heaps of ideas floating around in my head that will soon explode to paper. I feel that I can't force it... it will just come out when it's ready. I have many influences all around me but, when the time is will all happen. I can't wait for that day! I yearn for that day to come!

All the best wishes for a wonderful 2008! Remember to open your eyes and see, REALLY see the small things. Let them effect you. Let them bring tears to your eyes for their simplicity is just beautiful. Wander around your streets or backyards and just look, breathe it in, smile at it and it will smile back at you.

With sincere happiness,


Unknown said...

Thanks for the pictures and words. Glad to see you're both doing well.

D'Ann said...

I have a question for you, Sara. What is the difference between a crayfish, crawfish, and a lobster (which the crayfish looks like, like the one you are holding)? Also, your blog is better than a PBS travel documentary :) Keep 'em coming!