Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello All!

Just wanted to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! I trust you are all well and have filled up on enough of the gobble gobble bird for a while now. My dad got home tonight and had room to fit a ham sandwich in his belly. UGH! It's tradition though. Dad will get into the leftover ham and put a slab of butter on his bread and pile the ham up high! Mom, on the other hand will dig into the leftover pie! They are made for each other!

I am so grateful to have each one of YOU in my life! What an incredible life it has been thus far! So many memories and so many more experiences to come! May you live each day to it's fullest. Dance like no one is watching and see everything with eyes wide open!

All the best to you and your families. Cuddle up and stay warm it's even cold here in Los Angeles!

With open arms,

My Dad and Me

My Mom and Me

Thanksgiving table

Taylor and Me

Taylor, Dasi and Me

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

what have I been up to?!

Well, everyone I have been a busy, busy girl for the last month. Steven is away in Australia working his little heart out on a boat catching crayfish, while I am busy...

finishing my last day of work
having a going away party at The Abbey
going to a bachelorette party
having another going away party
hosting my parents and numerous other family members
getting ready for my bro's wedding
finish packing
and cry... do a lot of crying

I have a week left till I leave the land of the Stars! I will keep you updated better I promise!

The pictures are from my going away parties! When more come in I will get them up as soon as possible!

All the best to you and I want to hear from you all!

With open arms,