Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dirty Thirty!

So the day came and went! Sunday the 26th got together with of my closest friends here in LA. We met at Pat's Topanga Grill in Topanga Canyon at the butt crack of dawn...Ate a wonderful breakfast and then went off to the beach. A cloudy morning turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon.

Here I am a year older and a year wiser. Thirty isn't a scary number for me. It's an exciting one! I'm so ready to see what the next thirty years has to offer!

Much love to you all,

Friday, August 24, 2007

My Future Home

what I saw today

I saw a kid throw a barbie doll head out of her car window and watched the head get smashed by the car behind it... that's what I saw today. Icky!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Land of Lunchtime

So, today I got a phone call from a co-worker telling me about her TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE customer... Just wanted to let you in on the things we (restaurant servers) deal with on a daily basis...

Ok, so a customer who comes in every once in a while has a HUGE chip on her Prada decked out shoulder. Carrying her princess of a dog by her side, sits at an outside table and immediatly plops "snow white" (we'll keep the true name of the dog private) ON the table. Many times we have asked Ms. Prada to, "please put your dog on the floor" where a dog belongs mind you... not on the friggin table at a restaurant!

She proceeds to give my co-worker a very hard time... I will give my co-worker a stage name as to keep her private as well... "Anastasia" we will call her... makes sure that Ms. Prada's order is satisfactory before hanging it on the spindle of no return. She checks and double checks the order, knowing full well what a pain in the arse Ms. Prada can be....Ms. Prada orders "Snow White" eggs with cheese on it... ugh for a dog! Anyway, she wasn't happy about the price and tried to swindle "Anastasia" into a new price. That's not going to work. Blah blah blah..how dare you treat me this way blah blah. Ms. Prada gets angry about everything and out of her beautiful, plump fake lips came the language of a trucker. "She fucked up everything! She doesn't know who she's fucking with. blah blah puke puke... on and on...I want to speak with the manager. Who is above you? blah blah blah puke puke puke."

Now, had Ms. Prada delt with her anger in an adult manner, then all would be great in the land of lunchtime but, she insisted on bringing out the "I am greater than thou" stick and beating everyone at work with it.

All I can say is, "Ms. Prada, how dare you speak to anyone like that? You are sitting with your employees, showing them that being a Bitch is ok. Who died and made you The Be All, Want All anyway? To me, to my co-workers you are nothing but a lost little girl with a little prissy-ass dog you can dress up... you hang on to her cause she is the only thing you CAN hang on to. Please take your high heels, your little table top "Snow White", your ugly trucker mouth, your higher than thou stick and go somewhere else. Leave our restaurant be.

Please remember the next time you have a problem with anything...may it be a drink not made right or your pancakes are a bit to crispy. Let us know in a kind manner. We are there to make sure everything is fine in the land of lunchtime!

hugs, sara

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Pinnacles, Western Australia

My First Blog!

It's tuesday. A sunny, California afternoon and here I am creating my first blog page comment. These days it seems as though everyone's personal life is out there for other's to explore. So, before the FBI finds out about my whereabouts and the details of my dirty secrets, I figured I might as well tell you them myself. Here we go on a whirl-wind ride, into my life.