Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our "Uncle" Arubinda

Buying fabric at the New Market

The temple covered with mirrors and Italian Glass

My playin' cricket... 4 runs with that hit!

Extended family members we spent a day with

India "Day 2"

Journal entry

Tuesday, March 18

"India is calling. Can you hear it? This place is alive - You can literally see it's heart beat. The people, moving around are its' way of survival. This place, Kolkata is breathtaking, yet the city itself gives you breath. It gives you a reason to wake up each morning. I am blown away with everything and everyone here. I have fallen in love with India."

This was written on day 5 of our time in the most amazing country. By that time our days were filled with:

An unforgettable visit to Mother Teresa's House/Tomb (at her tomb I lost all control of my legs and dropped to my knees. I prayed for forgiveness and compassion. I asked for help in becoming the best person I could be. I hadn't prayed like that in years. I felt like a rush of energy ran through my body and I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop. My tears were mini Niagara's. I couldn't stop.)
Our first dinner in a restaurant (my taste buds were constantly high)
Visited the famous New Market (in the heart of Kolkata. This place is crazy! It's the most congested area of the world... well that's my opinion of course. There are people in every square inch of this fantastically insane place! Jenny and I bought some of the most beautiful fabrics here. Whew! What an experience!)
Learned what "Mahalo Legache" means (everything's ok)
Visited our future house (a temple blanketed with Italian glass and mirrors)
ate road side food (a beautiful bite of happiness. All in one little bite. I didn't even get sick!)
Went to the families 300 year old house
Played cricket with children(I was even in a dress... The adult men that were around couldn't believe how good I was at batting! Super fun time!)
Sat in on a music lesson(Another life-long memory was made in a tiny little room, where we witnessed a music lesson. The teacher, a man mid-50's with salt-n-pepper hair playing on his harmonium. The student, a beautiful young lady, sitting crossed legged behind her guru, singing her heart out to the gods above. Her proud mother, on a small wooden chair across the room. Note: this room was about the size of a bathroom. We even got a cookie when we left.)
Visited a Kali Temple outside Kolkata(our uncle Arubinda's family built it many years ago. It is a majestic neighbour to his families house. We had a wonderful day filled with meeting family members and drinking tea.)

Of course each day was finished off by talking gossip about life and the funny moments of each day. All of this talk accompanied by nothing but a cup of black tea. Do you understand why I fell in love?!